This post isn’t about carpentry, it’s about Apple. A bad carpenter blames his tools. A good carpenter blames his tools, but for different reasons. A bad carpenter will blame his tools uncritically when he can’t achieve the end effect that he desires, because he lacks the skill, the know-how and the wherewithal to produce the… Needing to get the rest of “Bad Workmanship Produces Bad Work?” Click here!
I read today over on Engadget that InstantAction announced their new technology for streaming games to any web browser and I feel sickened. For me, this is the third time in my life that I have created a technology, showed it to companies and people,and had them be disinterested in it. It really is disheartening… Need to read the remainder of “Streaming Games To The Web Browser?” Click this link!
Thomas F. from CA e-mailed and asked about how to get in to the games industry. “I’m about to complete my degree at school and I really want to get in to the video games industry but I don’t see how with all the other people trying to get in too and getting noticed takes… Thirsting to read the remainder of “Permission to be in the industry?” Use this link!
Are games engines worth it for casual games? Should you purchase a game engine to create your latest casual game? Or will you just need to throw it all away once you realise the game engine doesn’t live up to expectations? Will you have to start all over from scratch in 6 months time? Most… Continue reading the remainder of this article