I find that my friendships last between 3 to 5 years. By the time that five years rolls around, the story arc of my life, my personal development, the things I have undertaken and moved on from, that kept me friends with someone, are no longer a strong enough pull.
If you could talk to your future-self, 20 or more years from now, what would you ask about?
Commerce, buying stuff, over the Internet, is going to be so amazingly big in the future it will dwarf all traditional retailers. I cannot emphasize this enough. In the future, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, you will be able to purchase literally anything from your computer. You’ll be able to get anything, and I… Craving to read the rest of “The future of commerce?” Click this!
Currently taking a large batch of antibiotics and other meds because you know, tooth infection. Take this one every four hours. Take this one every eight hours. Take this one every 12 hours. Take this one every 24 hours. Pill bottles should come with a little digital clock built-in to the lid that immediately resets… Continue reading the remainder of the post
I’ve learned many “rules” running service oriented businesses. This rules is the epitome of penny-wise & pound-foolish and one of the most important I’ve encountered. Don’t put your clients above your employees. Clients don’t come first. Employees come first. Take care of your employees, and your employees will take care of your clients.
The media, and people, confuse “neat and organized” with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) all the time. Just because you like something to be organized a particular way does not make you OCD. Just because you are neat and tidy does not make you OCD. OCD means you can be messy and dirty and completely disorganized…. Click this link to read the rest of “Neatly OCD.”
Sat in a meeting at Ocean earlier this month with my project’s producer, when he is bemoaning about the last few bugs in Scooby Doo for the SNES. So I say “Well it compiles. Let’s ship it and release a patch later on.” as a complete joke. “That sounds like a great idea,” says the… Yearning to get the remainder of “Patching up the holes?” Click the link!
I’d rather live in the Hell of reality with other people, than be alone in heavenly dreams.