Recently I have been studying traffic patterns from search engines to this particular website to see where my sources of traffic are coming from. Over 65% of my traffic is directed here by search engines, with Google dominating at around 90% of the total search traffic, i.e. 58% of traffic to my site is directed… Click to read the rest of this post
I check my website logs frequently, I also have a script that shows me all of the search terms people use to find my website, and a list of reverse DNS lookup for each of the queries so I can see which companies are making use of my resources. Very useful data mining which can… Click to read the remainder of the article
Just a quick update concerning my SenseCam project. I have finally gotten around to porting my SenseCam software from the old J2ME version on my k850i to an Objective-C version for the iPhone 4. I effectively had to do a complete rewrite from the ground up, but the development work only took about two weeks… Needing to read the remainder of “SenseCam On The iPhone?” Click the link!
This post isn’t about carpentry, it’s about Apple. A bad carpenter blames his tools. A good carpenter blames his tools, but for different reasons. A bad carpenter will blame his tools uncritically when he can’t achieve the end effect that he desires, because he lacks the skill, the know-how and the wherewithal to produce the… Click to read the rest of “Bad Workmanship Produces Bad Work.”
At the recent BayCon Science Fiction & Fantasy convention held in San Mateo California I had the pleasure of being moderator on several panels, one of these, which took place on Sunday afternoon, was “The Top Ten Gadgets That Changed The World.” I captured notes on my laptop and recorded audio with my Olympus DS-40… Click this link to read the rest of this post
A couple of weeks ago I was invited by Westwood College to speak at this year’s commencement ceremony for their graduating class. I have to say, this will not only be my first commencement speech I give but also the first commencement address I’ve ever attended. It will certainly be interesting. So why ask me… Needing to read the rest of “Giving a Commencement Speech?” Click the link!
Do you have multiple computer monitors on your desktop? I never would have thought it but I now believe that there is an upper size limitation with regard to the human interface factor when it comes to computer monitors when applied to every day desktop usage. Ever since Microsoft Windows 98, I’ve been using dual… Looking to get the remainder of “Upper Limitation on Size of Monitors?” Click this!
What happens when you reach the complexity limitation of a piece of software? I’ve talked about this a few times with colleagues and associates and for the past two years have constantly been running in to it with a piece of software I use on a daily basis. The software is iTunes, which works great… Continue reading the remainder of the article
Will Twitter give Germans their own special website? 140 characters ain’t enough. That’s like three words, tops. Then again, the Chinese could write War & Peace in that amount of characters.
The PC port is atrocious. It is sluggish at best, and at its worst “like molasses in a Montana winter.” And it has been getting worse. Reduce the amount of memory it uses. Hundreds of megabytes is ridiculous and whilst Apple have improved it with each version, it still takes up almost 200 megabytes on… Click to continue reading the rest of the article