When a woman wears a bikini she reveals more than 90% of her body. I am so polite that I will only look at those parts of her that are covered.
Being offensive as a default state is far too easy and churlish. If I am offensive, it is because I want to be offensive. If I am not offending you, you should take offense, because it means at that point I do not give a fuck about you, your well-being or your presence on this… Click this link to continue reading the rest of “Churlishly yours.”
Taking your kids to work is a great way to combine the two most annoying things in somebody elses life.
If you are not outside of your comfort zone, you are not learning something worth knowing.
I am currently growing up (coming of age) in the middle of the microcomputer revolution. They keep getting faster. And they keep getting better. There will be another technological revolution in my lifetime. I don’t know what it will be, or what shape it will take. I know without a doubt it will be communications… Thirsting to get the remainder of “The shape of the next revolution?” Click the link!
Fiddling around on the BBS with my friend in the room. “What OS is that?” he asks. “Unix. It runs the BBS” I reply. “Unix. Nice.” He nods knowingly. “Yep, I get to have sex with my non-existent girlfriend about as often as I have to reboot.” I quip. I have a sad, sad life.
Oooh! Check it! Check it! New Macintosh in the house. With the RAM expansion and a second floppy drive. Time to find a C compiler. Thank you Cardiff Microcomputers for the discount. Most expensive computer I’ve ever purchased or owned.