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Giving my all :

I give 110% when it comes to my self-destructive tendencies.

: Game Programming and Game Development :

Talk! Talk! :

Your coworkers are already upset about having to stand so close together on this lift. Please don’t make it worse by speaking.

Lemmings on a Macintosh? :

Brother Robert asked me last night if I would write a copy of Lemmings for the Apple Macintosh after watching me play it on the Amiga. If I do that, he’d like a free copy, and then he would let me sell it if I cut him in for some of the profits. *eye roll*

Capitalization :

Consumerism is the weaponization of the human condition.

Sign Of The Times :

Not checking your source code in to version control is the equivalent of using sign language in a dark room. You might know what you’ve accomplished but nobody else has a clue.

Describe your sex life… :

If you could describe your sex life with a traffic sign, what would it be? Mine is “Give Way To Oncoming Traffic.”

That room is over-booked :

Just a reminder that the conference room needs to be booked in advance if you plan to use it for an emotional breakdown.

Sob story :

I’ve already accomplished my New Year’s resolution of crying at a lower volume in the bathroom at work Monday morning.

So much to do, so little motivation :

If it wasn’t for me, everything would get done around here.

Mother Nature is most definitely not an engineer :

Internal medicine is like an advanced form of engineering. The parts of the human body do not come with nicely formatted data sheets with appropriate pin outs neatly labeled.