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Code word :

I need a time billing code for pretending to enjoy Happy Hour with coworkers.

: Game Programming and Game Development :

Shallow-scan MRI for the construction industry :

MRI isn’t the technology that will work here, but a back-scatter detection system with functional resonance imaging would be a huge boon for the construction industry in determining what is behind a wall. Would also be immensely useful for figuring out cracks in wings of aircraft or other structural flaws in critical mechanical systems.

What I miss most… :

I was asked by American friend what I miss most about the UK now that I have been in California for a few years. “Good weather. Good cheese. Good bread. Good beer. Good irony. None of which you will you understand.” I replied.

Free sex? :

Girlfriend: “Why do you buy all these games when you could just watch people playing them on shareyourworld?” Me: “By that logic I could just hire a hooker to fuck instead of dating you.” Apparently this was not the right response.

Atari VCS 2600 emulator for PSX update :

Got called in to a meeting today to take a look at a problem the outside development studio is having understanding my Atari VCS 2600 code for the SONY PSX. Apparently their code “is elegant and extensible” but runs like a fucking two-legged dog that has been dead for a week. So some bright twat… Needing to read the rest of “Atari VCS 2600 emulator for PSX update?” Click here!

News for Atari VCS Emulator on SONY PSX :

I mentioned in an earlier post that Activision (the company I work for) has decided they want to publish an Atari VCS emulator for the SONY PSX bundled up with various classic Activision Atari 2600 games. And I was “promised” a part in that project, seeing as how I have already developed an Atari 2600… Needing to read the rest of “News for Atari VCS Emulator on SONY PSX?” Use this link!

Cow shanking :

I have come to realise that after two years of living in America that so many people here scream for the death penalty yet are too squeamish and unwilling to shank a cow so they can have burgers on the BBQ on the day they celebrate their freedom.

The San Francisco and Silicon Valley echo chamber :

Every time I talk to start-ups in the Bay area I am flabbergasted by how much faith and energy companies invest in the culture of youth and the unicorn-like wunderkind when everyone over the age of 30 that you talk to will admit that teenagers and young twenty-somethings are just about as clueless as you… Click here to continue reading the rest of the article

Poop Jokes! :

If you could describe your poop with a film title, what would it be? I think my last one would be “Mission Impossible”

Mistakes v4.0 :

When I launch my next start-up I vow to not make all of the mistakes that I made at my previous start-ups. I shall endeavour to make all new mistakes. I’ve learnt so much I believe I am well-equipped to make mistakes at twice the rate of an average entrepreneur, and for about the same… Need to read the rest of “Mistakes v4.0?” Click this!