Just bought a new distortion pedal for my guitar. Why don’t they put pictures of guitarists on the batteries that come in the box with the distortion pedal? It would be a neat way of making the battery “special” in terms of marketing potential for the distortion pedal manufacturer, plus you could get guitarists to… Click this link to continue reading the remainder of “What does the sound of silence sound like when it is distorted?.”
The blokes at Mettoy are a bunch of bastards. I get to release RoboWars because it was a port of a game that I already did for other computers. “SnikSnak belongs to us” apparently. On the one hand they are bastards, on the other hand they are stupid bastards. They are claiming they own SnikSnak,… Continue reading the rest of the post
If Christians are afraid of going to Hell when they die… Are Satanists afraid of going to Heaven when they die?
The problem with being an engineer is you believe every problem is solvable if you just apply enough math.
To make a positive change in this world you have to be outside of your comfort zone. To make a positive change in this world you have to put other people outside of their comfort zone. The further outside of your comfort zone you are, the greater the change you can effect.
Well bugger. Took a phone call from Mac at Dragon Data yesterday evening. They won’t be shipping my games as a pack-in with the Dragon 32 as a Christmas special. “Can’t afford the tape duplication costs.” “So can I just release the games?” I ask. “I’d need to talk with Tom. I don’t think it’ll… Thirsting to get the remainder of “Canceled Christmas?” Click this!
Why the hell does the Dragon 32 not respect the memory layout that the Tandy does? I thought you were supposed to be “compatible” you little shit. Just spent two days on the phone with Ed at Dragon Data trying to figure out why writing to the HIRAM area returns weird values. Finally get JoJo… Continue reading the rest of this article
If God created the sun on the fourth day, how did he know that four days had elapsed?
Every development schedule needs a little slack built in to it. If your development schedule doesn’t have any slack in it, I guarantee you have a serious scheduling problem.
I have come to realise that a lie can spread around the village long before the truth has decided which side of the bed to get out of.