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Martha Stewart on 3D Printing :

Martha Stewart looking at 3D Printers at CES 2014. But all I could focus on was “Did that girl just curtsy to Martha Stewart at 0:21 ?!?” So funny. Why don’t you 3D print this Martha?!? P.S. I actually like Martha Stewart. P.P.S. Except her “TV voice.”

: Game Programming and Game Development :

LinkedIn Feature Request :

I truly wish LinkedIn had a feature whereby you could filter out any status update that has more than 100 likes or 100 comments (or both) because you know that any status update that popular is either bashing the sitting president, asking you to solve a math problem, or trying to get likes so Jesus… Continue reading the rest of “LinkedIn Feature Request.”

GPU Cards in BabyBlue Upgraded :

Just got around to upgrading the last GPU in the BabyBlue. Thinking I should get a new nameplate cut for the front of the case and name it “Crick” — reference to Waton’s partner. Even though Watson the supercomputer is in reference to Sherlock. It works for me… shut up!

Recruiters Selling Cars? :

If recruiters sold cars the same way they find engineers each candidate would receive a flood of emails and phone calls equal to “I have a car for sale in Minnesota. It has four wheels and an engine. You will be required to drive it long distances, put gas in it regularly, pay an astronomical… Click to read the remainder of “Recruiters Selling Cars?.”

A day in the life of… :

A day and four months in the life of a CTO for a startup developing mobile social casino games. Inspired by the "day in the life" blog post of a Producer I decided that I would make my own post from the perspective of the engineer/CTO in a start-up. But mine blog post would have… Click here to read the remainder of this post

What It Feels Like… :

IEEE ISM Tomorrow :

I am on a panel and giving a presentation for about fifteen minutes covering mobile game development at the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia in Irvine tomorrow, Wednesday the 12th of December. Hopefully I can get a good audio recording and a transcript up on this website within a few days afterwards for those that… Continue reading the remainder of “IEEE ISM Tomorrow.”

Angelhack Fall 2012 Los Angeles :

Looks like I have managed to snag a place at Angelhack 2012 in Los Angeles this coming December over at CrossCampus. If you are going to be there and need a back-end/front-end software engineer for your team, hit me up.

My new monitor layout :

I rotated two of the 30” Dell LCD panels on my desk to be in portrait mode and I have to say, I kind of like it. I don’t notice the extreme gaps when sat at the desk, though I think I will get another new Humanscale M8 monitor arms to float the outside panels… Looking to get the rest of “My new monitor layout?” Click this!

Obscure Treasures :

Spent Sunday hanging up pictures, organising around the home and cleaning out some old boxes. Found these obscure treasures: Activision CD-R’s — Blank by the looks of them – circa 1995-ish. Discs of assets from LucasArts Star Wars Galaxies when I worked on those projects. My collection of Infocom games Two old development computers, plus… Thirsting to read the rest of “Obscure Treasures?” Click on this link!