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: Archive Of Tagged Posts  :

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No sex please, we’re Unix :

Fiddling around on the BBS with my friend in the room. “What OS is that?” he asks. “Unix. It runs the BBS” I reply. “Unix. Nice.” He nods knowingly. “Yep, I get to have sex with my non-existent girlfriend about as often as I have to reboot.” I quip. I have a sad, sad life.

: Game Programming and Game Development :

My birthday present to myself :

Oooh! Check it! Check it! New Macintosh in the house. With the RAM expansion and a second floppy drive. Time to find a C compiler. Thank you Cardiff Microcomputers for the discount. Most expensive computer I’ve ever purchased or owned.

Virgin for life :

Nobody dies a virgin. Life will eventually fuck every one of us.

Vaccinate often. Vaccinate early. :

Voting is kind of like getting vaccinated. It doesn’t have much effect on the entire population if only one person does it. But if enough people do it, it stops some bad stuff from happening. P.S. Don’t forget to vote!

Engineers doing push-ups :

The reason that engineers figured out that rolling up their sleeves is more useful than just pushing up their sleeves? Pushing your sleeves up is inefficient. Engineers don’t like having to do the same thing twice. Wearing a t-shirt is an optimization step. 🙂

Comfy chairs :

I don’t mind being outside my comfort zone, I just wish it had more comfortable seating.

Helping out :

Imagine what could be achieved if the 4 billion humans on this planet freely gave just 60 seconds each day to helping a stranger. It is a hopeful thought. Unfortunately the cynic in me says “Yes, 100 million people helping out and 3.9 billion people standing around telling them they’re doing it wrong and moaning that they were late… Needing to read the remainder of “Helping out?” Use this link!

Dark roasted Christmas beans :

Yeah yeah, I know it’s only October but I am discontinuing the light roasts and shifting to a dark roast for the Christmas season. Expect the dark roast Christmas blend to run from 1st November through to 20th of December at which point in time I will figure out something else. The darker roast, which… Hankering to read the rest of “Dark roasted Christmas beans?” Click on this link!

Compounded problems :

I am definitely not the first to realise this, but… Compound interest is a magical thing to behold.

Thieving wanker :

ZX Microfair was a lot of fun and a lot of pain. Some wanker walked off with an entire box of tapes. I lost over 200 quid of stock. That’s 200 quid that it cost me for tapes and printing. He just walked up and took the box from in front of me. I had… Continue reading the rest of the post