Seems that over the Christmas holidays whilst I have been laid up with some weird “non-specific” illness that and their spam email servers decided to increase the spam load in my inbox, because you know, I need to know about “this week in sarasota” and other vital “marketing campaigns” that have absolutely no relevance… Click here to continue reading the remainder of this post
A paper exploring “” by Justin Lloyd Download a PDF of “” here
Need to convert a string in to an int in C#? That sort of task is trivial thanks to the TryParse method of the System.Int32 structure which is a standard part of the .NET Framework. TryParse does exactly what you need by taking a properly formatted string and converting it to an integer. The great… Thirsting to read the rest of “C# How To Convert String To Integer Value?” Click the link!
Got a folder full of images that need to be converted from one format to another? Use Image Magick and do in a few seconds what it could take hours in Photoshop or other image editing applications to achieve. One of the simplest ways to convert a directory full of images from one format to… Continue reading the rest of “How To Batch Convert Images With Image Magick.”
.NET offers the programmer many strongly typed data types. One of those is the System.Boolean structure which represents a Boolean value. System.Boolean, though programmers normally use the bool alias when declaring Boolean variables, have a value of either true or false. These two logical values permit the Boolean data type to represent anything that needs… Yearning to read the rest of “C# What Is The System.Boolean Structure?” Click the link!
.NET and C# provides the programmer with the bool (Boolean) data type to represent values that are true or false. Any need to represent a two-state mechanism, such as a light switch, can be represented by a bool, e.g. on or off, yes or no, and so on. C# bool Type Definition The intrinsic data… Click this link to continue reading the remainder of the post
Why do many recruiters these days even bother to show up for work? I got a bunch of emails today from what are apparently reputable companies that went straight in the trash. Definitely worth a laugh on a gloomy day like today by pointing out someone else’s ineptitude at their job. I’m just going to… Craving to get the rest of “Why You Won’t Be Representing Me To Any Clients?” Click here!
Recently I have been studying traffic patterns from search engines to this particular website to see where my sources of traffic are coming from. Over 65% of my traffic is directed here by search engines, with Google dominating at around 90% of the total search traffic, i.e. 58% of traffic to my site is directed… Craving to get the rest of “Bing Is Worse Than Yahoo! As A Search Engine?” Use this link!
With the introduction of the CSS3 border-radius style tags, web developers can now easily create rounded corner design elements that previously required a lot of intensive fiddling with itty-bitty graphics and multiple div tags. Judging by the number of websites out there that use rounded corners in a lot of their design elements (including this… Looking to get the remainder of “BORDER-RADIUS Create Round Borders With CSS?” Click on this link!
The ability to set a different colour on each edge of the border around an element is coming. No more slicing up GIFs or PNGs , no more layering of DIV sections! Setting border edge colours in CSS3 is still not widely supported (as of this writing only Firefox supports it) but by the next… Needing to get the rest of “CSS3 Coloured Borders?” Click this link!