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C# What Is The System.Boolean Structure :

.NET offers the programmer many strongly typed data types. One of those is the System.Boolean structure which represents a Boolean value. System.Boolean, though programmers normally use the bool alias when declaring Boolean variables, have a value of either true or false. These two logical values permit the Boolean data type to represent anything that needs two states, such as, a light switch or indicating whether the player is alive or dead in a video game, and there are many other uses.

System.Boolean Definition

public struct Boolean : IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable<bool>, IEquatable<bool>

The declaration for System.Boolean resides in the System namespace, so when you need to make use of it directly you have to reference the System namespace either directly, or by including it at the top of your module, which in C# is done via the using compiler directive, that is:

using System;

which almost all classes in C# actually do.

A System.Boolean variable will take up precisely one byte of memory. Because bool and System.Boolean are synonymous, you can use the bool keyword almost anywhere you would use System.Boolean, and assign to a bool variable using the true and false literals of C#. These two reserved keywords, true and false, are the only valid Boolean values that can be assigned to the System.Boolean data type.

You can invert a Boolean test by use of the logical not operator, i.e. ! (exclamation point), so that:

bool result = true;
result = !result;

would actually mean that result is equal to Boolean false.

We could of course re-write the above two statements as:

bool result = !true;

Which would assign Boolean false to the result variable, but that makes little actual sense to do at the point of declaration when assigning the true literal.

All members of the System.Boolean structure are considered to be thread safe so you can call them with impunity from your multi-threaded code without having to worry about synchronization issues.

The System.Boolean type exposes the following methods and fields:

Methods Available

  Name Description
CompareTo(Boolean) Compare to another Boolean object and return an integer indicating comparison relationship.
CompareTo(Object) Compare to another object and return an integer indicating the comparison relationship.
Equals(Boolean) Return a value indicating if this instance is equal to the specified Boolean object.
Equals(Object) Return a value indicating if this instance is equal to the specified object.
Finalize Attempt to free allocated resources and perform any cleanup necessary before being garbage collected.
GetHashCode Return the hash code of this object.
GetType Return the Type of the instance.
GetTypeCode Return the TypeCode for the value type Boolean.
MemberwiseClone Perform a shallow copy of this instance.
Parse Attempt to convert a string to its Boolean equivalent. Throws an exception if not possible.
ToString() Convert this instance to its equivalent string representation, i.e. "True" or "False."
ToString(IFormatProvider) Convert this instance to its equivalent string representation, i.e. "True" or "False."
TryParse Attempt to convert a string to its Boolean equivalent. Return value indicates success or failure.

Fields Available

  Name Description
FalseString The Boolean value false as a string. Read-only.
TrueString The Boolean value true as a string. Read-only.


  Name Description
IConvertible.ToBoolean Converts the value to an equivalent Boolean value.
IConvertible.ToByte Converts the value to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer.
IConvertible.ToChar Attempts to convert to this type will throw an InvalidCastException.
IConvertible.ToDateTime Attempts to convert to this type will throw an InvalidCastException.
IConvertible.ToDecimal Converts the value to an equivalent Decimal number.
IConvertible.ToDouble Converts the value to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number.
IConvertible.ToInt16 Converts the value to an equivalent 16-bit signed integer.
IConvertible.ToInt32 Converts the value to an equivalent 32-bit signed integer.
IConvertible.ToInt64 Converts the value to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer.
IConvertible.ToSByte Converts the value to an equivalent 8-bit signed integer.
IConvertible.ToSingle Converts the value to an equivalent single precision floating-point number.
IConvertible.ToType Converts the value to an Object of the specified Type with the equivalent value.
IConvertible.ToUInt16 Converts the value to an equivalent 16-bit unsigned integer.
IConvertible.ToUInt32 Converts the value to an equivalent 32-bit unsigned integer.
IConvertible.ToUInt64 Converts the value to an equivalent 64-bit unsigned integer.

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