A paper exploring “” by Justin Lloyd Download a PDF of “” here
Just got around to upgrading the last GPU in the BabyBlue. Thinking I should get a new nameplate cut for the front of the case and name it “Crick” — reference to Waton’s partner. Even though Watson the supercomputer is in reference to Sherlock. It works for me… shut up!
If recruiters sold cars the same way they find engineers each candidate would receive a flood of emails and phone calls equal to “I have a car for sale in Minnesota. It has four wheels and an engine. You will be required to drive it long distances, put gas in it regularly, pay an astronomical… Needing to read the rest of “Recruiters Selling Cars??” Click this link!
Someone on the Unity3D forums asked how to make a system for charging up a gun over time to do more damage. They want it to work like the alien guns in Halo. I gave it some thought for a couple of minutes and finally came up with the following code. The code is broken… Need to get the rest of “Unity scripts to charge up a weapon?” Click on this link!
This is the version of Lucky Ace Slots that was submitted to Apple today, March 6th, 2013 at 19:50 PST.
In the final stages of bug hunting on Lucky Ace Slots before app store submission.
Late Beta release of our Lucky Ace Slots iOS game. I’ve got about a half-dozen bugs to iron out then we get to submit to Apple for approval. Fingers crossed that it is tonight or Tuesday afternoon if I cannot solve these last few bugs.
Free spins for everyone! Whooo! The game is in debug mode so the number of free spins you get at the beginning is set to maximum. Normally the free spins would accrue over time as you play the game.
A day and four months in the life of a CTO for a startup developing mobile social casino games. Inspired by the "day in the life" blog post of a Producer I decided that I would make my own post from the perspective of the engineer/CTO in a start-up. But mine blog post would have… Need to read the remainder of “A day in the life of…?” Click here!